Нээлттэй Засгийн Түншлэлийн Үйл Ажиллагааны Үндэсний IV Төлөвлөгөө 2021-2023Open Government Partnership Mongolia Fourth National Action Plan 2021-2023
Нээлттэй Засгийн Түншлэлийн Үйл Ажиллагааны Үндэсний IV Төлөвлөгөө 2021-2023
Open Government Partnership Mongolia Fourth National Action Plan 2021-2023
Нээлттэй Засгийн Түншлэлийн Үндэсний Төлөвлөгөөний Тайлан 2021-2023Open Government Partnership Mongolia Fourth National Action Report 2021-2023
Нээлттэй Засгийн Түншлэлийн Үндэсний Төлөвлөгөөний Тайлан 2021-2023
Open Government Partnership Mongolia Fourth National Action Report 2021-2023
Evidence from numerous data-producing and governance institutions shows a clear and consistent trend of increased autocratization and a decline in ...
The full OGP Vital Signs report was launched as part of the OGP Global Summit. Find a blog post with ...
When the Open Government Partnership was founded in 2011, many of those involved said there was magic in the air. ...
Justice Policy Series, Part III: Account...
Evidence from numerous data-producing and governance institutions shows a clear and consistent trend...
OGP Vital Signs – 10 Years of Data in Re...
The full OGP Vital Signs report was launched as part of the OGP Global Summit. Find a blog post with...
Creating OGP’s Future Together: Shape th...
When the Open Government Partnership was founded in 2011, many of those involved said there was magi...
Supreme Audit Institutions: Natural Alli...
Governments are entrusted with the power to collect, allocate, and spend public funds. Supreme Audit...
It has been 10 years since Mongolia joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP), which includes mor...
Open Government Partnership (OGP) aims to create a government that is more accessible, accountable,...